Sapa Mitra Luar Negeri dan Perkenalkan Kampus Kita

Assalamu’alaykum wr wb

Dalam rangka meningkatkan rangking Telkom University di level asia dalam hal ini QS Asian University Ranking (AUR), Telkom University saat ini berupaya meningkatkan academic reputation.  Academic reputation merupakan salah satu indikator dalam QS Asian University Ranking yang mempunyai bobot terbesar yaitu 30%. Academic reputation dinilai menggunakan data dari global survey yang diselenggarakan oleh QS setiap tahun. Survey ini meminta akademisi dari seluruh dunia untuk mengidentifikasi universitas terkemuka di bidang subjek mereka sendiri. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan indikasi universitas mana yang memiliki reputasi terkuat dalam komunitas akademik internasional. Dalam hal ini, Telkom University sudah mengirimkan 400 peer academic yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri sebagai peserta global survey QS. Empat ratus academic peer ini telah dipilih berdasarkan keterikatan antara dosen Telkom University dengan akademisi di dalam dan luar negeri terutama dalam hal kolaborasi penelitian, kerjasama nasional/internasional, dan mantan pembimbing S2/S3.

Berdasarkan arahan dari Rektor Telkom University, Bapak/Ibu diharapkan dapat menyapa academic peer yang pernah bekerjasama dengan Bapak/Ibu untuk membina personal engagement yang lebih baik.  Dengan menghubungi academic peer oleh Bapak/Ibu, diharapkan academic peer akan memilih Telkom University sebagai salah universitas terbaik dalam bidang ICT. Academic peer list yang harus Bapak/Ibu sapa dapat dilihat pada tautan

Berikut kami sampaikan dua contoh template email untuk menyapa academic peer. Template email dan informasi terupdate agenda ini dapat di cek pada website :

Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.


Tim Academic Reputation Telkom University

P3I Universitas Telkom

Dalam memforward mohon menghapus text yang ada di baris ini dan di atas baris ini


Template email untuk professor:

Dear Professor X,

My name is Jean Grey. I am your PhD student over the past four years. I was hoping that you might still remember me well enough. As long as I am under your guidance, I had very valuable academic experiences. Thank you very much for all the guidance you gave me. Currently, I work as a lecturer at School of Computing, Telkom University, a leading private university in Indonesia, in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

Telkom University is heading towards a research and entrepreneurial university currently. One of the targets to be achieved by Telkom University this year is the Top 400 QS Asian University Ranking. To pursue this, I need your help to contribute in a survey which is conducted by the QS Global Academic Survey. You may be contacted by QSIU with an invitation to participate in the QS Academic Survey. These surveys aim to collect the aggregated data for calculation of the reputational indicators. I really hope you can take the time to fill out the survey provided by QS Global Academic Survey. The survey may take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you very much in advance. I am really appreciate your time for helping us.


Jean Grey


Template email untuk kolega/teman:

Dear Dr. Strange,

I hope this email finds you in the best of spirits. It’s been a while since we last met in an international conference in Bali, Indonesia. How is your life? I hope you are in your best condition. Now, I work as a lecturer at School of Computing, Telkom University, a leading private university in Indonesia, in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

Telkom University is heading towards a research and entrepreneurial university currently. One of the targets to be achieved by Telkom University this year is the Top 400 QS Asian University Ranking. To pursue this, I need your help to contribute in a survey which is conducted by the QS Global Academic Survey. You may be contacted by QSIU with an invitation to participate in the QS Academic Survey. These surveys aim to collect the aggregated data for calculation of the reputational indicators. I really hope you can take the time to fill out the survey provided by QS Global Academic Survey. The survey may take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance. I am really appreciate your time for helping us.



Versi dua

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