Pengenalan SCRUM Framework di Telkom University

Pengenalan SCRUM Framework di Telkom University

Bandung, P3I – Bagian P3I menyelenggarakan webinar internal kembali dengan tema “Pengenalan SCRUM Framework” pada hari Senin (18/10). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka knowledge sharing yang akan rutin diadakan oleh Bagian P3I.

Menurut Rio Aurachman, Kepala Bagian P3I, SCRUM merupakan metode yg cocok di implementasikan saat pandemi seperti ini, dimana kita diharuskan bekerja jarak jauh namun perlu saling memantau progress masing-masing tim yang berjauhan, maka SCRUM bisa menjadi alternatif walaupun masih banyak pilihan lainnya.

Mengundang Putra Fajar Alam, salah satu dosen di Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Telkom University sebagai narasumber, webinar ini dihadiri oleh seluruh Kepala Bagian/Manager dan Kepala Urusan/ Asisten Manager di lingkungan Universitas Telkom.

Seperti yang disampaikan narasumber, SCRUM framework ini mengutamakan agile atau kecepatan. SCRUM merupakan satu framework yang digunakan oleh orang-orang atau tim untuk menghadapi satu problem yg sifatnya kompleks, dimana framework ini bisa secara produktif/kreativ men-deliver satu output yang tertinggi. SCRUM memiliki 5 values, yaitu commitment, focus, openness, respect dan courage.

SCRUM memiliki tiga komponen :

  1. Role : product owner, SCRUM master, Development team;
  2. Artifacts : product backlog, sprint backlog, increment;
  3. Events : sprint planning, daily SCRUM, sprint execution, sprint review, sprint retrospective.

Selain membagikan materi, Putra juga memberikan contoh SCRUM board yang paling mudah seperti di bawah ini :

Sebagai ice breaking sekaligus memastikan peserta paham dengan materinya, narasumber mengadakan game yang melibatkan para peserta rapat

Introduction to SCRUM Framework at Telkom University

Introduction to SCRUM Framework at Telkom University

Bandung, P3I – P3I Division held an internal webinar again with the theme “Introduction to the SCRUM Framework” on Monday (18/10). This activity is carried out in the context of knowledge sharing which will be routinely held by the P3I Section.

According to Rio Aurachman , Head of P3I Section, SCRUM is a method that is suitable to be implemented during a pandemic like this, where we are required to work remotely but need to monitor each other’s progress, so that SCRUM can be an alternative even though there are many other options.

Inviting Putra Fajar Alam, one of the lecturers in the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University as a resource person, this webinar was attended by all Heads of Sections/Managers and Heads of Affairs/Assistant Managers within Telkom University.

As stated by the resource person, this SCRUM framework prioritizes agile or speed. SCRUM is a framework used by people or teams to deal with the problems that are complex, where the framework can be productively / kreativ Men- deliver an output which is the highest. SCRUM has 5 values, namely commitment, focus, openness, respect and courage.

SCRUM has three components:

  1. Role: product owner, SCRUM master, Development team;
  2. Artifacts : product backlog, sprint backlog, increment;
  3. Events : sprint planning, daily SCRUM, sprint execution, sprint review, sprint retrospective.

In addition to distributing material, Putra also gives an example of the easiest SCRUM board as below:

As an ice breaker and at the same time ensuring that participants understand the material, the resource person holds a game that involves the meeting participants